Practical Information

Time zone

Only one time zone, UTC + 1h in winter, + 2h in summer. During EES 2024, 25-27 September 2024, CEST (UTC +2) .


Italy uses Euro (€) as it's official currency. 


Electricity in Italy runs on 230 Volts, 50 Hertz alternating current. Type C and type L plugs are compatible. If you're bringing electrical appliances from abroad, you may need an adapter for the plugs.

Telephone & internet 

Country code for calls in Italy: + 39. 

The city of Rimini is covered by the Wi-Fi signal in all its strategic points on top of most hotels and accommodations, as well as in fast-food outlets and cafés.

To learn more :

Health & Safety Recommendations

At the EES conference 2024, we prioritize the safety of all participants. Drawing on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, please consider these recommendations:

·        If you experience respiratory illness symptoms at the venue, wear a mask and attend sessions online.

·        Wash your hands frequently.

We encourage everyone to respect others and help maintain a safe conference environment.


Make sure you have sufficient means of payment (cash, traveller's cheques, credit card, etc.) to cover your expenses.