Instructions for speakers & chairs

Pre-conference workshop days
(23 & 24 September)

Workshop facilitators are kindly requested to upload their presentations directly in the meeting room, where a laptop will be provided.

 Conference days
(25 & 26 & 27 September)

During the conference, all presentations will be managed through the Speaker Preview Room.

Speakers Preview Room Opening Hours

Tuesday, 24 September: 16:00 – 19:00 
Wednesday, 25 September: 07:30 – 18:00
Thursday, 26 September: 07:30 – 18:00 
Friday, 27 September: 07:30 – 16:30 


Please note the following guidelines for your presentation submitted in the Speakers Preview Room:

  • All presentations should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint format (*.pptx) or PDF format. If there are presentations made on a Mac platform it will only be possible to convert the Keynote to PPTX or PDF. 
  • We recommend using the PowerPoint Speakers Template, however, you are welcome to use your own template if you prefer.
  • The display resolution of the data projectors will be 1920x1080 pixels (16:9 Full HD).
  • Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick or external hard drive and drop it off at the Speaker Preview Room. All presentations will be checked in at the Speaker Preview Room. Technicians will be available in the Speaker Preview Room to assist you with checking the format and ensuring it is ready for your presentation.

To ensure the smoothest possible running of all presentations, presenters are kindly requested to attend the Speaker Preview Room as indicated hereafter:

  • 2 hours prior to the session: standard presentations
  • 3 hours prior to the session: presentations with animations, transactions and graphics, presentations with movie files,
  • 6 hours prior to the session: presentations with non-standard movie files (mov, avi etc.)

Speakers wishing to use their personal Windows or Mac computer must notify the Organizing Secretariat before the event start date by email at Only notebook Windows or Macbooks with HDMI connectivity are allowed.

Presentation language

English is the official language of EES 2024, therefore all contributions must be prepared and delivered in English.

Conference Programme

We kindly ask you to take the time slot stated in the programme in consideration when preparing your talk (presentation + Q&A).

Presentation Time

The time reserved for each presentation varies according to the session/ presentation type:

Paper session, Panel, Round-table: 90 minutes (discussion included)

Individual paper presentation should not exceed the time allowance below in order to ensure adequate time for discussion:               

4-paper sessions: 12 minutes

3-paper sessions: 15 minutes

Briefing Note for Conference Chairs

  • Preview session abstracts, author bios, and details provided.
  • If possible, contact presenters in advance to ensure preparation.
  • Arrive 5-10 minutes early to meet speakers and finalize any details.
  • Start the session by welcoming the audience and introducing presenters.
  • Set clear rules for handling questions—either after each presentation or at the end.
  • Keep presentations to:
    • 12 minutes for 4-paper sessions
    • 15 minutes for 3-paper sessions
    • 20 minutes for 2-paper sessions
  • Use timing cards to manage time and ensure discussion time is available.
  • Encourage audience participation and manage discussions to prevent any one person from dominating.
  • Wrap up on time, offering brief "takeaway" remarks.
  • Suggest participants follow up directly with speakers if time is short.